What Happens Later | Odd Blog

Hopefully a good enough read

What Happens Later

What a gem of a film. I didn’t see any trailers for this, either before other films or on the Cineworld website. It just appeared one Friday and I like the actors and went.

I left on top of the world, what a smart, happy little film this is! I love both Meg Ryan and David Duchovny and they work beautifully together here. I seem to like these wordy relationship type films, it reminded me of When Harry Met Sally and as Meg directed this, perhaps that’s not surprising.

The icing on the cake is the airport announcer and ‘Please’. I’ll say no more! I laughed pretty much every time, even though it was entirely predictable.

It’s nice to see both actors again, it seems a long time since I have seen either of them in anything. I am so glad I went and I am going again tomorrow evening, that’s how much I liked this one!

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