May | 2013 | Odd Blog

Hopefully a good enough read

Monthly Archives: May 2013

wxtoimg – changing baud rate for GPS and Receiver type

I have spent some months now using wxtoimg to receive the NOAA APT images on 137MHz. It is a well designed program and produces superb results. Two small niggles I found are easily remedied it seems. Both require modification of the configuration file c:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\WXtoImg\wxtoimg.cfg.  This filecontains all of the configuration settings for the software Changing…

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Danny Dunn, Invisible Boy

When I was a lad, about 8 I reckon, I found a book in the school library at Bybrook Junior School. It was called ‘Danny Dunny Invisible Boy’ by Jay Williams and Raymond Abrashkin. They were American novels written in the 50s – 70s about a boy who lived with his mother who was housekeeper…

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